How to crack the CCNA in a short time period?
CCNA is a certification introduced by CISCO and stands for CISCO Certified Network Associate. IT professionals take this certification to gain the skills to configure and operate switched and routed networks. They also learn to troubleshoot, verify and implement connections via remote sites using WAN.
CCNA certification makes a person better at his experience and skills and thus helps attain better job and pay. He becomes well versed in network technologies thereby getting an advantage over other candidates. Preparing for the certification is time consuming and one which requires hard work. You can stick to a regular study time and make it through the exam successfully.
CCNA is Extensive
Even with basic knowledge in computer systems and networks, CCNA is not as easy to crack as other certifications. The exam covers a number of topics on TCP/IP studies to routing protocols. You must focus on ICDN which is the base for almost all types of CCNA exams. You need a thorough understanding of the topics to come out with a good score.
It is required to have both theoretical and practical knowledge to appear for the exam. Whatever theoretical knowledge is gained by the student is made to use in real-world scenarios for troubleshooting network problems.
The total time of the exam is 90 minutes and you have to answer about 50-60 questions in this short period of time. Only regular practice will get you to answer every question with good speed. Even if you know the right method to reach the answers, it is difficult to do it in a stressful situation like this. There will be questions on real world issues which you have to solve then and there. This can be done only with proper time management, patience and the right strategy.
How to Prepare for Exam
First of all, you may understand why you want to pass the certification and find out what are the benefits waiting for you once you become a CCNA certified professional. This will mentally prepare you to go through the extensive training you will require. You should have a target in mind about when you will pass the exam, like may be in the next 6 months. Divide your study time accordingly and make a proper schedule. You may have to compromise on the time usually spent on family, friends and other engagements. This will be totally worth it in the long run.
Obtain proper Material
There is a lot of confusion regarding the study materials that are floating around. You could rely on CISCO’s own study materials including ICND 1 and ICND 2 and ensure to buy the latest editions of both. The way things are explained in these enable anyone to grasp the concepts. You can also buy the reference guide titled 31 Days before Your CCNA Exams which is again published by CISCO. There are also simulators available that will help you gain confidence to appear for the exam. It is also recommended to be a member of the CISCO Certification Forum so that you can be a part of the discussions and advices.
It is a good idea to enroll for a CCNA training class if time allows. This way, you will get to interact with an expert instructor and other people preparing for the exam. You can discuss your queries and take home tried and tested methods of solving the paper.
Once you have the books with you, scan through the topics and practice tests and also the CDs. Regularly practice the questions and lab exercises which are going to be useful for your exam. You will also master the right approach to solve maximum questions in minimum time. Take practice tests way before the exam date. Evaluate yourselves and see where your position is. You should have ample time ahead to improve yourselves if you are not up to the mark.
The key lies in keeping aside time for revision. Brush through what you have learned before the exam approaches. This will boost your confidence and get you in the right track. CCNA helps you learn new things and get hands-on experience on many real world issues. Ultimately, gaining practical knowledge is what all certifications aim at.